zilveren Abbasid Caliphate: Dirham silver AH186 (802 A.D.) al-Rashid, al-Muhammadiyya


Harun al-Rashid  (17 March 763 or February 766 ” 24 March 809) was the fifth Abbasid Caliph. Harun ruled from 786 to 809, and his time was marked by scientific, cultural, and religious prosperity. Islamic art and Islamic music also flourished significantly during his reign. Since Harun was intellectually, politically, and militarily resourceful, his life and his court have been the subject of many tales.


Type munt

Dirhem Omschrift voorzijde لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له بسم الله ضرب هذا الدرهم في المحمدية سنة مائة وسبعة وثمانين Muntconditie prachtig
Omschrift keerzijde محمد رسول الله ه محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله و لو كره المشركون Datum 23 april 2023
Muntplaats   Voorzijde   Verkoper koevoets_numismatics
Jaartal zj Keerzijde Bedrag US $33,00 (EUR 30,14)
Vorst Harun al-Rashid  (763 or 766 - 809) Vindplaats Veiling ebay
Metaal zilver Schatvondst
Oplage Literatuur referentie
Gewicht 2,859 gram
Diameter 25,11 mm, 24,55 mm
Soortelijke massa