Zilveren dubbeltje Hollandia 1724 Akerendam 


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Provincie Holland Omschrift keerzijde HOLLANDIA Datum Dec 07, 2014
Muntplaats Voorzijde staande leeuw Verkoper jimmyreed77
Jaartal 1724 Keerzijde   Bedrag EUR 20.49 (US $24.94)
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March 8, 1725 Sunken Treasure from “The Akerendam”, “The Akerendam” was a Dutch ship just one year old when it sank in a storm off Runde at Sunnmore on the Norwegian West Coast. On boardwere 19 chests of gold and silver discovered by scuba divers in 1972. In total there were 57,000 coins recovered

The AKERENDAM was a Dutch VOC ship built in 1724. In January 1725 the newly-built vessel sailed from Texel heading for Java, loaded with 19 chests of gold and silver. She went in convoy with two other ships, but drifted away in a storm, and sank off Runde, at Sunnmøre, on the Norwegian west coast. Of the 200 people onboard, there were no survivors. The wreck site was close to the shore, and during the summer of 1725 four chests and other parts of the cargo were salvaged. But then the divers gave up, and the wreck was forgotten. During the 19th century, locals often found coins at the shore. But the origin was already forgotten, so those finds fuelled an oral tradition that the coins would be from the Spanish Armada of the 16th century.